Last Wednesday after the HOG business meeting a bunch of us were at the bar socializing. I'm no purist. I allow myself from time to time 1 or 2 beers when I have the bike. I didn't feel much like drinking at this time especially since I had a tail light out on the bike and it was after dark. Too many reasons this night not to. I grabbed a soda and wound up in an interesting conversation. A friend of mine is fresh back from the Harley 105th anniversary and grand opening of the new museum which by all accounts was a great time. This friend was awed. I'm really glad my friend had such a great time. Everyone should get so much out of an experience. Farther on the conversation evolved into something else. I was accused of not being "Harley". What the hell is that? I probably have given this way more thought over the last few days than it deserves. Is it true am I not "Harley"? What is that anyways? Obviously I'm looking for a diversion from weightier thoughts like how am I supposed to retire if my 401K keeps taking the pounding it has this week. Oh well back to more frivolous contemplations... I guess my friend is Harley. She collects the latest in Harley wear, She has mucho bling on her bike and loves Rallies. She does feel that if you don't ride a Harley than you don't ride shit. I guess by her standards I'm not "Harley" and I'm ok with that. I ride. That's what I do. I just like to do it on a Harley.
If you like bikes, all kinds of bikes and have not checked out Jay Leno's garage. You absolutely have to!
I'm with Jay, this is my favorite bike of all time.
Stumbled on your blog, thought I'd say hello.
I'm from Mass and am an avid H-D rider and HOG member. Myself and others from the Blackstone Valley Chapter attended the 105th and had a great time. Your friend's description was accurate, it was an awesome experience. Over the past month I've been writing a series of posts detailing our trip, so if you'd like, come by my blog and check it out.
As far as you not being Harley goes, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who RIDES a Harley of not being "Harley." Sure, there a plenty of posers who OWN Harleys and almost never ride them, but in my book, if you ride your Harley often, you're as "Harley" as you need to be. Bling and H-D clothes are a personal thing. The point is to ride. I know lots of people who have loads of Harley tee shirts and the shirts have more miles on them than their bikes ever will, for those who actually own one.
Nice blog. I'll try to come by and visit now and then.
Ride Safe.
You should have replied I'm not Harley I am Mongo.
I ride a Harley, I write about Harleys.
I don't live by someone elses description of me.
I know what I like and I live it.
So yea, I geuss I am harley.
Despite anybodys opinion.
Come on, you're not Harley enough because of the company you keep.
8^) it's a religious thing.
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